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Wednesday 2 April 2025 | 15 Hatfields, London SE1

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Car Parks 2025 is an event focused on the design, construction, operation and maintenance of parking structures. The day will offer topical presentations, expert panels and a chance to network with colleagues in an exhibition showcasing the latest systems and services.

Car parks are important civic structures that support their local economies, open up destinations and provide space for a wide range of other activities.


The day will look at how to design iconic new structures that are safe, secure and environmentally sensitive. It will showcase new approaches to construction and fitting out structures so that they are safe, secure and user-friendly.

There will be discussion of how to maintain, upgrade and renovate existing car parks.

Car Parks 2025 will also feature a special 'game' which explores the options for property owners when it comes to deciding whether the refurbish or replace ageing car parks. The Car Park Game has been devised specially for this event by Andrew Potter, director of Parking Perspectives.

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© I am Nick/Unsplash

Key themes

At Car Parks 2025 expert panels will address key issues and answer questions on:

  • Car park design

  • Selecting structural systems

  • Managing car parks

  • Exterior design

  • Fire Safety

  • Circulation and signage

  • Lighting, CCTV, ventilation and lifts

  • Electric vehicle charging

  • Payment technology

  • Renovation and refurbishment

  • Customer services and facilities

  • Designing out crime

  • Environmentally-friendly design

  • Cycle parking and mobility hubs

Who will be attending

When attending Car Parks 2025 you will meet:

  • Car park operators and facility managers

  • Architects

  • Engineers

  • Land owners

  • Property developers

  • Real estate investors

  • Retailers

  • Transport infrastructure operators

  • Construction companies

  • Refurbishment specialist

  • Parking system providers

  • Mobility service operators

  • Electric vehicle infrastructure providers

  • Structural and fire safety experts

  • Planning and transport consultants

Car Parks 2025 provides your company with the perfect opportunity to carefully target the marketing of your products and services to those within the smart city planning, active travel, intelligent mobility and parking sectors.


To participate in this sector-defining event contact Jason Conboy on: 020 7091 7895 or email him here

The Car Park Game

Presented by:


A growing number of multi-storey car parks built in the 1960s and '70s are now showing their age. Not only do many need structural renovation, but also modernisation to cope with a world in which cars are larger and electric.


The question car park owners and operators have to answer is whether or not to refurbish, rebuild or replace?

Does it makes sense to:

  • renovate or rebuild ageing parking structures so that they offer a better parking experience in the hope this generates a better return, or...

  • leave existing sites as they are, but offer poorer service levels and tolerate lower yields.

The Car Park Game will explore what is the best way forward.

The interactive game is being devised specially for this event by Andrew Potter, director of Parking Perspectives. His engaging and thought-provoking approach to discussing parking issues has been showcased at other Landor LINKS events in the form of the Parking for All stakeholder challenge and the School Streets Game.

CP Programme 2025


If you have an idea for a talk contact the event's programmer Mark Moran, Editor, Parking Review here


Tea & coffee served in the exhibition area


Session 1: Right space for the right place


No two car parks are alike. Car park developers, designers and operators need to recognise the needs of drivers and the destinations they want to visit when creating a car park. The car parking experience can define a visitor’s first impression of a place, business or institution and set the tone for the rest of their visit.

Russell Simmons, Managing Director, Stripe Consulting

The importance of being informed
Car parks are a unique building type. They are more than just vehicle storage areas. They are complex traffic environments used by both vehicles and pedestrians. Car parks are also providing a growing range of services, including electric vehicle charging, storage lockers and bicycle hubs. This means developers, designers and builders need to keep up-to-date with, and apply, current structural, electrical and safety regulations, guidance and best practice.

Russell Simmons, Managing Director, Stripe Consulting

Car parks as EV charging and cycle hubs

The historic city of Cambridge is supporting mobility. It has been integrating electric vehicle charging infrastructure into its car parks. In parallel, the car parks also feature facilities that support Cambridge's long-standing status as a cycle city.

Sean Cleary, Strategic Delivery Manager, Cambridge City Council

DISCUSSION: Does my car look big in this?

The case for wider parking bays

Cars are getting bigger. Some parking operators are now reconfiguring the bays in their multi-storey facilities to accommodate the wider and longer vehicles now common on our roads. Added to this there is a need to proviode larger parking bays to accommodate electric vehicle charging, enable access by Blue Badge holders and to provide a better parking experience for families. But how can expansion of parking bay dimensions be done in a manner that is both practical and economically viable – especially in existing multi-storey facilities?

Discussion led by Mark Moran, Editor, Parking Review

Followed by Q&A


Morning break
Tea & coffee served in the exhibition area


Session 2: Look after your car park


Car parks are structures that need to be looked after to keep them operating efficiently and safely. This session explores the importance of inspections, maintenance and refurbishment.

Mark Moran, Editor, Parking Review

How to plan a refurbishment

Learn how the renovation of town centre multi-storey car parks in Colchester and Horsham were planned and implemented.
Russell Simmons, Managing Director, Stripe Consulting

Investigations: Making the invisible visible

Targeted corrosion monitoring and investigations allows the early identification of corrosion issues can prevent the deterioration of car park structures.
Christian Stone, Level 3 Corrosion Engineer, Concrete Preservation Technologies

Life-care planning

A properly planned and recorded regime of checks and inspections is a good way to ensure that car parks remain structurally sound.
Harry Smith, Senior Technical Manager, Stripe Consulting

How to clean a car park

Keeping car parks clean and tidy is a task undertaken in-house by many car park operators. However, the task of keeping heavily trafficked parking areas spick and span can be challenging. So when is the right time to bring in specialists?
John Taylor, Consultant, 49 Parks

Followed by Q&A


Lunch break
Refreshments served in the exhibition area


Session 3: How safe is your car park?


Car parks are dynamic spaces used by vehicles and pedestrians, whose structures are exposed to dramatic changes in load, the elements, traffic movement and icing salts. This session explores the stresses and threats to their structural integrity and possible solutions.



Elizabeth Gilliard, Consultant and, Vice President, Chartered Institute of Logistics (CILT)

Fire and collapse: Car park structural safety concerns

A spate of high-profile car fires and structural failures have led the influential safety body Collaborative Reporting for Safer Structures (CROSS) to examine the safety of car park facilities in a number of key reports.

Ian Bailey BEng (Hons) IEng MIFireE, Fire Safety Consultant, CROSS

Structural overload: Risks and remedies

The growing size and weight of cars has sparked a debate over whether or not existing multi-storey car parks need to be strengthened or have revised parking layouts in order to reduce the risk of collapse.
Hugo Fernandes, Structural Engineer, and Chris Whapples, Consultant, Stripe Consulting

Too close to the edge: Preventing suicide in car parks

Suicides at car parks are a sadly common event. But they are avoidable and preventable. The British Parking Association's Structures Group has devised new guidance for organisations that design and manage car parks.
Jon Elliott, Head of Architecture, Stripe Consulting

Followed by Q&A


The Car Park Game

Refurbish, rebuild or replace?


A growing number of car park owners are having to calculate whether it makes sense to retain, renovate or replace ageing structures.

Andrew Potter, Director, Parking Perspectives


Networking drinks


Conference close





Parking Review

  • LinkedIn
Russell Simmons.jpeg


Managing Director

Stripe Consulting

  • LinkedIn
Harry Smith.jpg


Senior Technical Manager

Stripe Consulting

  • LinkedIn


Consultant and Vice President

Chartered Institute of  Transport & Logistics UK

  • LinkedIn
Ian Bailey - Headshot (B&W).png


Fire Safety Consultant


(Collaborative Reporting on Safer Structures UK)

  • LinkedIn
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Parking Perspectives

  • LinkedIn
Jon Elliott.jpeg


Head of Architecture

Stripe Consulting

  • LinkedIn
Hugo Fernandes.jpg


Structural Engineer

Stripe Consulting

  • LinkedIn
Chris Whapples.jpg



Stripe Consulting

  • LinkedIn
John Taylor.jpg



49 Parks

  • LinkedIn
Christian Stone.jpg


Level 3 Corrosion Engineer

Concrete Preservation Technologies

  • LinkedIn
Sean Cleary.jpeg


Strategic Delivery Manager

Cambridge City Council

  • LinkedIn

Delegate rates

Local Authorities

Each Local Authority Delegate

£195 + VAT

Private Sector

Each Private Sector Delegate

£295 + VAT

CP 2025 Delegate Rates

Exhibition Opportunities

Car Parks 2025 provides your company with the perfect opportunity to carefully target the marketing of your products and services to those within the smart city planning, active travel, intelligent mobility and parking sectors.

To participate in this sector-defining event contact
Jason Conboy on: 020 7091 7895 or email him here

3m x 2m Exhibition Stand

  • 3m x 2m open space exhibition area supplied with table, chairs, wi-fi and power supply 

  • Company profile, including logo and 250 word profile on the event website 

  • Up to 3 delegate places for staff, colleagues and guest invitations

  • Additional 5 delegate places for Local Authority contacts








£1,750 + VAT 

2m x 2m Exhibition Stand

  • ​2m x 2m open space exhibition area supplied with table, chairs, wi-fi and power supply 

  • Company profile, including logo and 150 word profile on the event website

  • Up to 2 delegate places for staff, colleagues and guest invitations

  • Additional 3 delegate places for Local Authority contacts








£1,400 + VAT 

Supporter Package


  • Company logo as 'Supporter' on the event website, in all advertisements and communications (print and digital)

  • Inclusion in the programme, with a speaker or session chair (to be discussed with programme manager)

  • 3m x 2m open space exhibition area supplied with table, chairs, wi-fi and power supply

  • Company profile, including logo and 250 word profile on the event website

  • Up to 10 delegate places for staff, colleagues and guest invitations


£2,750 + VAT 

CP 2025 Exhibition Floorplan



Book your stand!


Contact Jason Conboy on: 020 7091 7895 or email him here

Exhibition Floorplan




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